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Glass Pool Fencing Gold Coast

There are many reasons why somebody would want glass pool fencing in the gold coast region, but the ultimate goal is safety. Therefore, you want to find a solid solution and installer for all of your needs, but most importantly you also want to make sure that your glass panels are solid and can give your pool a sense of style along with the safety that is provided. In this guide we’ll tell you a little bit about glass pool fencing, and how you can find a good pool fencing installer.

Glass Pool Fencing – The Ultimate Safety Net

When you have a privacy fence around your pool, you can possibly keep predators out, sure. But this doesn’t mean that your pets, or even your loved ones are completely safe. Some pests such as snakes and even crocodiles can actually break through regular fences, dig underneath them, and still find a way to get into your pool, leaving you for a scary mess to deal with later.

If you have a glass pool fence, not only do you provide an invisible pool that can keep the crocs away, but you’re more apt. to have the most visibility of your pool at all times. Many people are actually deterred from climbing over glass fences (or invading pools that have them), so you don’t have to worry about the “young punks” down the road terrorizing your pool.

On the same note, you can guarantee that your pool is safe for your kids to play around. Of course, glass isn’t invincible, but you’ll know if anyone were to break a panel, and even know that they’ll be safe since they’re built like safety glass and won’t break in shards that can really hurt somebody. You’ll be able to make sure that you can see every angle of your pool, especially if you use frameless glass fencing.

Better Weathered

Wooden fences are rugged, but they actually don’t withstand the elements as well as glass pool fencing. Glass pool fences are actually made of very thick panels, and some of them can even withstand monsoons, typhoons, and tornadoes compared to their wooden counterparts. Add that to the mix of value, and you’re in for a nice surprise of comfort.

They Just Look Better

Glass pool fences are usually associated with style, celebrities, and more. By having a glass fence installed, you can actually guarantee that you have a stylish fence. Want to make it look even cooler? Add some lighting to the mix and you can enhance the look of the glass as well.


Having the right installer for your glass panels is extremely important. That’s why we recommend that you get ahold of Total Vision Gold Coast. They have over twenty years of installation expertise so you can have the best fencing available, and offer the most quality using only certified glass panels according to the pool safety guidelines set by the Queensland and Australian Government. If you hire them you won’t go wrong, and they have excellent prices as well!